Tag: FFmpeg

FFmpegPHP ffmpeg的PHP封装

nick | linux, php | 2012-02-14
FFmpegPHP 是一个纯面向对象的 ffmpeg 的 PHP封装。提供一些简单易用、面向对象的API用以访问视频和音频文件的信息,可直接从视频中获取帧的图片,这常用来做视频的缩略图。支持的视频格式包括: MOV, AVI, MPG, 和 WMV. FFmpegPHP 2.6 发布了,该版本移除了 PHP 结束标签,支持最新版的 ffmpeg 以及其他小问题的修复和改进。 FFmpegPHP 是一个纯面向... [阅读全文]

FFmpeg – the swiss army knife of Internet Streaming – part IV

nick | flash, Red5 | 2011-08-31
This is the fourth and last part of a short series dedicated to FFmpeg (First, Second and Third part). In this conclusive article I will focus on the support for RTMP that makes FFmpeg an excellent tool for enhancing the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Streaming Ecosystem. FFmpeg introduced a strong support for RTMP streami... [阅读全文]

FFmpeg – the swiss army knife of Internet Streaming

nick | as, flash, open, Red5 | 2011-08-25
With this post I want to start a small series dedicated to FFmpeg. I have already talked about it 6 years ago when this tool was still young (Why I love FFmpeg: post1 and post2) but in these 6 years it has evolved widely and now it is a really useful “swiss army knife” for Internet streaming. I could define FFmpeg also as one... [阅读全文]


nick | open, php | 2010-11-28
FFmpegPHP 是一个纯面向对象的 ffmpeg 的 PHP封装。提供一些简单易用、面向对象的API用以访问视频和音频文件的信息,可直接从视频中获取帧的图片,这常用来做视频的缩略图。支持的视频格式包括: MOV, AVI, MPG, 和 WMV. 授权协议: GPL 开发语言: PHP 操作系统: 跨平台 收录时间: 2010年02月02日 软件首页 软件下载 [阅读全文]