Tag: h264

FFmpeg – the swiss army knife of Internet Streaming – part IV

nick | flash, Red5 | 2011-08-31
This is the fourth and last part of a short series dedicated to FFmpeg (First, Second and Third part). In this conclusive article I will focus on the support for RTMP that makes FFmpeg an excellent tool for enhancing the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Streaming Ecosystem. FFmpeg introduced a strong support for RTMP streami... [阅读全文]

Beta(Flash Player 11+AIR3)新功能简介(中文版)

nick | flash | 2011-07-15
本站原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自zrong’s Blog,原文 Beta(Flash Player 11+AIR3)新功能简介(中文版),欢迎使用文章源码进行转载。 本站转载文章会标明[转],转载请注明原始作者文章地址。 7月13日,Adobe Labels发布了Flash Player 11和AIR3的Beta,简介如下: 共同所有的新功能 基于显卡的3D渲染加速 给力啊……网页游戏界要洗牌了 支持... [阅读全文]