Tag: Raphael

Raphael 1.4 发布,小型JavaScript库

nick | js | 2010-05-10
Raphael 1.4 发布,小型JavaScript库
Raphael是一个小型JavaScript库,用于简化您的Web矢量图形工作。如果你想创建自己特点的图表或图形的裁剪和旋转部件,你可以使用这个简单方便的库来实现。 Raphael是目前最好的,使用javaScript创建独立于浏览器图形的方式,支持:Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+。 1.4新特性: 支持Touch事件 支持rgba 支持新的拖... [阅读全文]

Raphael 1.4: Touch and more

nick | js, 学习 | 2010-05-07
Raphael 1.4: Touch and more
Dmitry Baranovskiy has been hacking away on Raphael. It is almost like he has had a bunch more time for it recently! 🙂 Version 1.4 has a bunch of cool new features such as: Touch events support rgba support new method drag document.onmousemove = f ? Raphael.mousemove(f) resetScale method scaling text will change it position... [阅读全文]